About me

I am Huiqi Zou, a Computer Science Master student at Johns Hopkins University, graduating in December 2024 with a thesis supervised by Prof. Ziang Xiao. I also work closely with Prof. Tianmin Shu at the SCAI Lab. I am actively seeking a PhD position starting in Fall 2025.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence Stream) from City University of Hong Kong, where I completed my dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Linqi Song.

My research interest lies in human-computer interaction (HCI) and natural language processing (NLP). Previously, I developed an attention-based bug report summarization model with an encoder-decoder structure and a dialogue system for generating natural feedback in robot-mediated cooperative communication tasks. I also investigated the influence of the sampling method on deep learning based anomaly detection. In my ongoing research, I evaluate the effectiveness of different personality prompts in an interactive setting.

In my spare time, I assisted with organizing thematic cross-culture calligraphy exhibitions in Hong Kong and published a prose in a literary magazine.

For more information, please see my CV.

Feel free to contact me via hzou11_at_jhu_dot_edu!